The school, where everyone can find his/her personal development…

Our school is a place with a friendly atmosphere, tolerance and trust, where pupils and teachers have a safe environment enabling open communication. In everyday school life, in the classrooms and in extracurricular activities, we build relationships of mutual respect, relationships in which one person listens to another, is not afraid to share his/her own opinions, relationships without a space for bullying.

The goal of education is to educate independently thinking students who are interested in knowledge and information. This can be achieved only through meaningful teaching and learning, connected with life. We reduce the scope of the curriculum and lead more students to the comprehension. Pupils will be able to work with information and to apply knowledge in practice. We are focused on ICT and languages. For the harmonious development of the child is also important to develop his/her communication skills. We want pupils to learn the basic principles of effective communication, to respect others, learn to say their opinion.

Mutual respect, an atmosphere of fruitful communication, all this can be built only in an open communicative environment, not just between pupils and between pupils and teachers themselves.

Whether our school educational program START! is more or less perfect, the quality of educational process depends on the people who live in the school: the personality of all creative teachers, progressive leadership, responsible approach of all – teachers, pupils and parents. Each of these participants should feel that education is his/her concern, the school a safe place and people at school have friendly hearts.

We cannot all be the same, but we walk in one direction.

We hope that our graduates can fulfil all that is conveyed in a letter they receive from us at the end of their compulsory education.

Dear graduate,
it is the time to say goodbye. We spent together difficult but joyful moments. We hope that you have learned to respect people around you, to distinguish between good and evil, and that you will be able to use all the knowledge and skills later in your life. We lighted the flame of knowledge together. Up to this point we went with you. Now you have to continue on your own. We wish you to find the right place on the Earth.
Your teachers from Tylova Lower-Secondary School

Tylova School in short facts…

  • school associates also 4 kindergartens, we cooperate closely
  • regular events for future – meeting with pre-schoolers and their parents, open days
  • school project „More PE lessons” in our school club
  • positive evaluation received from the Czech School Inspection
  • own educational program START!
  • school support office for students and parents (school psychologists, career counsellors, coordinator of prevention)
  • the creative network of schools – learning by doing
  • interactive whiteboards
  • school pupil parliament is involved in the co-decision
  • safe environment for children (good transport links, quiet environment, e-Safety label, main door cameras)
  • foreign languages from the age of six – English, German and French in clubs
  • ICT literacy – Computer Science from the 4th year
  • science and technical education (renovated classrooms equipped with modern biology, physics and chemistry objects and craft tools)
  • optional subjects (choir singing)
  • wide selection of leisure recreational activities in school clubs – pottery, games, drama, swimming, flute, guitar, floorball, soccer, photo and video, line dance, school magazine Tyláček, health club, ecology team, gymnastics, yoga, dance club …)
  • project days: Environmental education, Civil protection, etc.
  • natural garden – environmental education
  • language course, painting, drawing and photography in nature course, skiing and snowboarding course, hiking, boating and biking course, adaptation courses for 1st and 6th grade
  • cooperation with the basketball team Hornets Písek, cooperation with handball, floorball and chess teams TJ Sokol Pisek
  • modern sports facilities, school playgrounds for sports, fitness and leisure activities
  • skating and swimming lessons for pupils
  • further education of teachers
  • school magazine Tyláček
  • the active participation of pupils and teachers in cultural and social life of the city (theatre and dance performances, concerts, art and photo exhibitions, lighting up the Christmas tree, Christmas fair, graduation ball…)
  • international projects, educational tours of students
  • cloakroom system
  • supported „School Milk“ and „School Fruit“ projects
  • school canteen – 2 main dishes, selection of salads, healthy school cafeteria
  • project „We support health“
  • Czech language courses for foreigners
  • electronic information system and class attendance system, online School office for payments
  • Parents welcome programme, Parents Association, Consulting afternoons (electronic booking system), class meetings, etc.

More and more you can find in our web page, our school magazine or you can visit us. We speak English, German, French and Russian, so do not worry and feel free to ask for help.